Rony Danuatmaja tega mengorbankan supirnya--Joko hingga dihukum mati demi kehormatan keluarga dan nama besar Danuatmaja. Di hari naas itu, Joko diminta Alaric—putra sulung Rony untuk mengambil pesanan di rumah salah satu sahabatnya. Tanpa diketahuinya ternyata paket tersebut berisi 5 gram kokain yang pada akhirnya membawa Alaric pada ujung kematian akibat overdosis. Akal sehat Rony paham bahwa Joko tidak tahu apa-apa dalam kasus tersebut namun sisi gelap dalam dirinya memilih mengorbankan Joko. Permohonan Sukatmini, Ibu Joko beserta adiknya, Sulis dan Jiman yang mengiba tidak membuat Roni bergeming sedikitpun
Kematian Alaric meruntuhkan semua harapan pada emperium keluarga Danuatmaja yang sejak lama dirintisnya. Kekecewaan bercampur amarah terhadap keadaan yang dihadapinya saat itu membuat dia gelap mata. Sulis yang hari itu bermaksud memohon agar Rony meringankan hukuman terhadap kakaknya, malah menjadi tempat pelampiasan. Rony memperkosa Sulis di ruang kerjanya. Tidak ada yang tahu tragedi tersebut kecuali Jiman yang tidak berdaya
Setelah kematian Joko, Sulis dan Jiman hengkang dari rumah tersebut dan kembali ke kampung. Kematian Joko ditambah kebiadapan Rony yang menodai Sulis telah meluluhlantakkan keluarga tersebut. Karena merasa telah kotor akhirnya Sulis nekat bunuh diri. Kematian dua anaknya membuat Sukatmini terguncang dan akhirnya tidak sanggup untuk bertahan dan meninggal dalam kesedihannya. Tinggalah Jiman sebatang kara karena kekejaman seorang pria yang dulu pernah dihormatinya. Hati Jiman dipenuhi dendam. Dia pun menyusun sebuah rencana balas dendam
Disinilah kisah itu dimulai, ketika seorang anak berusia 15 tahun bernama Jiman, merasa hidup dan keluarganya telah dihancurkan—kini saatnya dia menagih penebusan dosa. Semua terjadi saat keluarga Roni Danuatmaja tersebut berlibur di sebuah villa yang cukup terpencil
Rabu, 02 Februari 2011
Posted by blogger on 21.07
Jenis Film :Thriller
Produser :Harris Nizam
Produksi : Skylar Pictures
Durasi :
Sutradara :Muhammad Yusuf
Penulis :Beby Hasibuan
9 komentar:
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Chinese government expressed readiness to exchange the results of laboratory tests synthetic plastic rice is thought to have come from the Land of the Panda to help the efforts of the completion of cases that rice distribution in Indonesia.
Indonesian Trade Attache in Beijing, Dandy Iswara, quoting Deputy Director General of the Office of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of China, Bi Kexin, who said that there should be detailed evidence which showed the presence of synthetic rice in Indonesia originating from China.
Bi Kexin claimed AQSIQ ensure rice mixed with products made from plastic that does not circulate in the country.
"If anything it's very expensive, so it is not beneficial if marketed for consumption, because it is not economically profitable," said Bi Kexin.
Therefore, he continued, there should be a series of laboratory tests to prove that the rice mixed with synthetic materials that circulated in Indonesia come from China.
"And we are ready to exchange the results of laboratory tests," said Bi Kexin.
He added that the issue of rice mixed with synthetic materials should not disturb the good relations between Indonesia and China, including trade cooperation between the two countries.
"All interested parties in both Indonesia and China, should jointly on the basis of relations between the two countries, proportionately solve this problem," he said.
Indonesian government Lab Bahasa Murah said never give permission to import rice, including from China.
However, the data of China Customs show that in January-March 2015 there were exports of rice worth 182 thousand US dollars to Indonesia. However, the country's Customs not mention the details of the rice were exported.
The Indonesian government representatives in China meeting with AQSIQ officials to discuss the alleged circulation of rice mixed with synthetic materials reported residents in some areas in Indonesia.
Indonesian government conduct laboratory testing on samples of rice were suspected to contain materials to make plastic. Rice sample testing has been done in the lab and the National Police Criminal Investigation Bureau of Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
PT Sucofindo also conduct laboratory testing of samples of rice, and found the rice-containing compounds such as plastics maker BBP (butyl benzyil Phtalate), DEHP (diethyl hexyl phthalate) and DMP (dimethyl phthalateshalate), which, among others, used to make the pipe.
In addition the Ministry of Commerce plans to improve market surveillance to monitor the circulation of imported products.
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